Monday 2 December 2013

Fishbum Ice-Gear

Ice-fishing, the other fishing season
Hey gang, the snow is on the ground and the air is crisp some of the small ponds are icing up...its so exciting!!
What's even more exciting is that Fishbum Outfitters has a new arsenal of ice-fishing clothes to keep you on the ice in style and comfort. The Sub-Zero t-shirt is nostalgic in it's depiction of the "classic bucket-angler.  I'm sure we can all relate to times of when we were hunched over a hole, while the wind drifted snow at your back.  The two new Jackets designed this year bring a bit of that Northern winter ghost story feel with their Lake Trout Giants, and Walleye ghosts renderings.  And your ice-fishing outer wear just won't be complete without the timeless Pirate Skull Cap.  I can't wait to see what Santa brought me this year!!!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Teaser Trailer Interview with Mark Melnyk

Treaser clip one of my favorite parts of my jobs is interviewing the people that make fishing TV happen for the rest of us, in this clip I get to sit down for a very candid discussion about Mark and my's career paths and his new series " Guided" scheduled to air this May on WFN.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Cuts will only worsen things down the road

Changes to Canada's fisheries law alarm biologists This has been coming down the pipe since 2012, cuts to our already fragile fishery and natural resources will surely set us up for failure in times of crisis. #Silent_Invaders #VHS # Asian Carp.   As a World Fishing Network Top Ambassador for Central Ontario, it troubles me to think there may not be a fishery left for future generations to enjoy; like several of us including myself have and fund and educate and promote via our own wage to preserve what we hold as ours for now... 

The budget needs to include our fisheries and natural resources, not cut them out to pave the way for industry's greed. Fishing, it's our Heritage, Protect it, Conserve it, have fun with it.

RMR: Rick's Rant - Omnibus Bill II: The Sequel

Sunday 24 November 2013

Saturday 16 November 2013

hey gang don't miss this sale!

Fantastic bunch of people at Radio World; Jack Summers and his team really know their stuff. His friendly staff, are there to answer your questions.  Keeping you up to date with the latest in outdoor technology, not to mention a plethora of accessories to enhance  your outdoor experience.  When you see Jack tell him, "Ben, sent me"!

Thursday 14 November 2013

Sail The Outdoor Superstore set to lower the boom in beautiful Cambridge, Ontario

My good buddy and fishing guide, Keith of Keith's Trophy Fish'n in Cambridge, ON calls me up Wednesday night and reads aloud "Sail set to land in Cambridge ...Press Conference scheduled for Thursday 14/11/2013"...I stop him and clearly stated "I needed to know that yesterday!"

No harm, no foul, because I was able to make it to the location with time to spare due to an earlier appointment, I asked over and over at the front desk of the hotel " are you sure there's no secret Sail meeting you're just not allowed to tell me about"...even a local paper was confused as to the meeting place for this reveal.

Being my first investigative journalism gig I was nervous, but after firing some questions off to Cambridge Mayor, Doug Craig, who's thrilled to see this new development coming into the region; it was simply a game of connect the dots after that.  Smiles all around as Tony Mignacca, took time with me to explain his reasoning's for the location.

MPP Rob Leone and President of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Greg Durocher were on hand with statements as well.

Mr.Leone conveyed, how he grew up in the area and how fishing with his family and friends and the outdoors was and still is today a big focus politically and personally.

Richard Diamond, Senior Vice President of Canderel is very pleased and mentioned how in the new development it would be a complete demo to remodelling retro-fit style construction operation in turn taking the old façade away and leaving a new shining 70,000Sq.Ft  Flagship store in it's wake. - Sail The Outdoor Superstore "Sails into Cambridge, Ontario - Sail The Outdoor Superstore "Sails into Cambridge, Ontario

Sunday 10 November 2013

The SS Edmunds Fiztgerald a family portrait, a family remembrance.


Nov. 10, 1975

 "The 29 man Crew of the SS Edmunds Fitzgerald perish on Lake Superior"

When you're 2 you don't remember much but as you grow older you begin to see and hear and ask those questions...

I'm the youngest of four of a Steel Family at the wee age of 2 the worst  great Lake storms ripped through our small neck of the Goulais River Mission 6.7 miles from the main road. Dad fighting white knuckled to get to and from work in Sault Ste. Marie to his millwright job at Algoma Steel.

There came a knock at the door, "may we come in?" a voice said, "there's been an accident in the channel" said another.  Several O.P.P officers and other emergency workers turn our tiny 2bedroom bungalow into a "task-force camp" during the search and rescue efforts, we were the only home close enough that had a working phone.

 Dizzying round the clock foot traffic in and out of our tiny home, my mother diligently working on pots of coffee and food, we didn't have much but what we had my mother gratefully gave to help in the rescue efforts.  Extra blankets, but most of all a warm home to give the weary rescue worker a break from the bitter cold.

Saturday 2 November 2013

What's a good Fishing Knot?

That kind of question offers a bunch of answers and possibilities.  Are some knots better then others?
This week I am going to give you the reader  the defining answers to these timeless questions.

Line Types:

 For every line there is a knot, and each knot serves it's purpose for each particular Type of Line.

 Monofilament: Monofilament line is declared by some as your generic line. .

Monofilament, The Good

•Easy handling casts well when on a spinning reel or even a bait caster
•Fair knot strength when using a clinch knot or improved clinch knot
•High stretch ratio gives nylon the ability to absorb the initial shock from a strike
•Floats on the water, sinks slower which helps top water fishing ;visualizing strikes

Monofilament, The Bad & The Ugly

•High stretch increases your miss/hook set ratio
•Low abrasion resistance causes more break offs when fishing rough structure
•High memory causes your line to retain it's form on the spool causing roll off, line twists, birds nests

Fluorocarbon: Fluorocarbon line, highly coveted for it's near invisible qualities. Fluorocarbon lines are a type of monofilament line in that it's a single strand line. It's a polymer derived from introducing fluorine to carbon. But once again is Fluorocarbon line the best line for all fishing applications? No! And once again here's why.

Fluorocarbon, The Good

•High abrasion resistance allowing you to fish rough structure, and toothy fish
•Virtually invisible under water
•Moderate stretch but still allows for solid hook up vs. mono lines
•Great leader line when accompanied with a braid main line

Fluorocarbon, The Bad & The Ugly

•High memory make it virtually impossible to cast from a spinning reel
•Sinks (not necessarily a bad thing for crank-baits, but not if you're fishing poppers)
•Expensive due to it's high density strength, low diameter and other properties did I mention it was virtually invisible.

Braided Line: Braided lines. It's created by "fusing" multiple braided fibers of new types of micro filamentous materials like Dyneema, a gel-spun polyethylene (plastic). This is what you find with Spider-wire, Power-Pro and Fire-line. Is this the line suited for all fishing applications? No! And here's the Good, Bad and the Ugly to explain why.

Braided Line, The Good

•Thin diameter allowing more line to be put on your spool
•High strength ten times stronger than steel, great for hook sets
•Abrasion resistant allowing you to fish heavy cover, rough structure, and toothy fish
•Low stretch increases your hook set/miss ratio
•Low memory allows for easier casting
•Extremely sensitive allowing you to telegraph strikes quicker

Braided Line, Bad & The Ugly

•High visibility in water can spook fish in clear water conditions
•Very high strength Low stretch can damage your reel drag and break your rod with hard hooksets
•Knot slip when using the wrong knot

Now that we have a general understanding of the different types of lines, lets look at the knots for these lines.

The Clinch Knot: 
The Clinch Knot is widely used and is one of the simplest knots to tie
1. Pass your line through the eye of the hook
2. Make 5 wraps around the main line with the tag end
3. Pass the tag end through the loop near the hook eye
4. Moisten the knot and pull tight
5. Snip the tag end off, leave a 1/4inch

This knot though simple isn't as strong as other knots, great for single hooks and novice anglers.

The Palomar Knot:
The Palomar is the knot of the elite anglers and is revered to be one of the strongest and versatile knots
1. Pass your line through the eye of the hook, then pass the tag end back through the eye of the hook
2. Take the loop you just created and make an overhand knot around the main line and tag end
3. Take the loop and pass it over the hook
4. Moisten the knot and cinch it down
5. Snip off the tag end 1/4inch

Applications for the Palomar knot are tying on crank-baits, and other lures, jigs etc. and if you leave yourself a long enough tag end you can use it as a drop shot rig by tying a weight on the tag end.

The Palomar Knot is one of the strongest knots and is great when tying Braid line.

Till next week Tight Lines!

Thursday 24 October 2013


Whether you're in a boat or fishing from shore the worst thing you can do is stay in one spot.  If fish were to stay in one spot they would be snatched up by large predators in no time.   Everything is on the move , bait-fish, game fish, and predators, so why are you standing still?

Understandably, it's easy to get comfortable in one spot especially if you're catching fish, but soon the pattern you're using wears off and the bite ends, then what?  You do what most of us do pack up and head home satisfied with the days catch.

But what if I told you, you were missing out on more fish and even bigger fish, would you be interested?

Welcome to my Blog where I will make weekly entries full of tips and techniques that have helped me catch some of my best fish, so sign up and read along every week, tightlines!
